Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is art and politics to me

I never had a direct exposure to politics and protest. The only knowledge that I have is all that I was thought in school and what I seen on T.V. Music is very important to me because it shows a form of expression and without saying a word a song can tell all about a current or prior situation or experience. Music calms your mood and relaxes and rage or anger that I will be feeling. Just like a lid in fear once their parent comes around all the anxiety that they have will go away. Music takes one to a different state of mind when the lyrics or beat is one that have a catch. My view of the world change when I watch movies regarding slavery and the unjust treatment of not only colored but others who wanted to stand up for equality. Yes every one knew slavery existed but to hear it from those who experienced it personally really changed my look towards the whole situation. Not only did this show me that I must not take what I have for granted I must appreciate every moment of it. At the end of this class I would like to leave with a more clearer understanding of what politics and protest is all about, the necessary steps that one need to take to start a protest and what motivated people back in the slavery days to start a protest.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Strange Fruit" will be the song of my choice. While listening to this song several different reactions came out, but the most disappointing one was just the gruesome vision that was use to discribe reality. Finding out why the author used an alias when this song was published and why he choosed Billie Holiday to sing the song

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thinking About Work

the only work on my mind for the next couple of mounths is school work. wasted to much years on not finishing my education so here iam trying to scram and getting it in..... Yes one may say working and school work can be done but to me thats just to much pressure and stresssssssssss that I dont need now. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS its all that I need to do.